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Writing Your Own Wedding Vows

Writer's picture: The Barn at Double K RanchThe Barn at Double K Ranch

Updated: Mar 20, 2022

Writing your own wedding vows

February is the month of showing love and affection and what better way to show our love for LOVE than with handwritten wedding vows. Writing your own wedding vows can be some of the most intimate sentiments you’ll ever express to a room full of people so you’ll want to give yourself plenty of time to prepare and put all your expressions and promises to your soon to be spouse on paper. We’ve gathered some of our favorite tips to help make writing your own wedding vows the stuff of fairytales.

Professions of love in your wedding vows

It Begins with Love

Wedding vows are at the core promises to your significant other and what better way to start than with statements of love. While the task of writing your own vows may seem daunting, being able to say how you feel about your fiancé is a great way to loosen those creative juices. Start with a simple “I love you” and add specific moments and/or things that you really enjoy about the other person. This will help you to expand on your professions of love. Being able to add in special moments will not only make your wedding vows more intimate, but also allow your audience to also be swept away in the moment. Don’t be afraid to share quirky moments or make your partner laugh. The ability to create laughter between you two will serve you well in your marriage. If you or your partner have a favorite love story, poem, or song, you don’t have to mess with perfection. Include a line or two of your favorite to express your feelings. It doesn’t have to be word for word either. Using a beautifully crafted line to launch into your own sentiments is also a great way to incorporate personal touches.

Wedding vow promises

A Personal Promise

After gathering all your declarations of love, it’s time to think about the promises you intend to make to each other. After all, they are serious commitments that you’re making in front of all your loved ones. Most wedding vows include being there for your spouse through good times and bad and for good reason. Every relationship goes through highs and lows and being able to include your sentiments of commitment to one another through the good times and bad is a great promise to start with. Not every vow has to be as serious as that though. Adding that you will always kiss them goodnight, never skimp on the cheese, or take care of the spiders is a great way to add a lighter personal touch to your vows. You don’t have to try and include everything you’re feeling into your vows. Make a list of ones you want to highlight and then work your way through them…add or skip parts as you see need. Remember, your significant other will also need a turn to state their vows so you don’t want to get too carried away.

Hand written wedding vows

When writing your wedding vows, don’t forget to practice reading them and get a feel for the natural pauses and breaks. It’ll will seem a lot more natural and allow your loved ones time to comprehend and follow along. Ask a trusted friend to read over them and practice with so you can make sure you’re getting your meaning across. Writing your own wedding vows is well worth the effort and something you and your spouse will cherish throughout your marriage.


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